Sunday, August 1, 2010

Comment Response - Page 1

I received a classic comment from an individual
who identified themselves and thought it is time
to publish the sentiment and a few replies from
others in the community. I am not including the
name of the individual at this time because I
have not taken the time to verify that the
individual submitting the comment is the person
they claim to be. Our local "newspaper," the
Iron County Reporter, requires a signature on
opinions submitted for publication. It is within
the norm for any publication to require that the
identity of authors be verified in advance.

To those who have not noticed, this is a
publication in blog format. You can find our
Library of Congress registration at the top of
the page.

Because of the generic sort of comment that it
is, I thought it might be a good idea to
submit the question to a few others who are
outspoken in the community and to ask for their
opinions on this opinion.

The first of the replies was provided by Ben Smith
and is published below. There are several others
to follow, including mine. If as a reader you wish
to add your opinion, please email them to me at
the address listed at the top of this page. Much
greater consideration will be given to those who
include their phone number for verification of the
submitter's identity.


Here is the comment:

Just curious Bill,

If you are so unhappy with Iron County and it's
"Doings". Why do you choose to live in this
community? Your negativity tarnishes the joy
that those of us who appreciate Iron County

Remember the old adage, "If you have nothing
nice to say..... If you are not part of the solution
you are part of the problem.

I'll be looking for my opinion to be added to
your blog.


And Ben's response:

I can not vouch for the authenticity of the authors
name however it is a common result whether it is
progress OR CHANGE that is being advocated.

I have been aware of similar situations arising
in Iron County since an event I was involved with,
a petition to force a TV cable operator to obey the
ordinance in effect in the city served by his
company. The operator was forced to rescind the fee
increase, put into effect without the approval of
the governing body.

And in a related matter being new to the
municipality, and a public minded person , I
volunteered to serve as a volunteer firefighter
only to be blackballed, because of being new
politically active in the community. The
feelings expressed by the author are not
uncommon in many areas especially in the
Iron County area. We are 12,900 people and
all supportive of each other.

Most of the points raised by newcomers deserve
a better hearing than being told "GET OUT OF

Ben Smith

Bill Vajk

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