Saturday, August 7, 2010

Comment Response - Chapter 2 Page 1

The same individual who provided us with an
earlier comment provided another comment to
Mike Sheehy's reply, Comment Response - page 2,

In all fairness, since it was addressed to Mike
I forwarded it to him for a further discussion
which is published here.

Page 2 begins with:

You have clearly taken my comment out
of context for the purpose of this blog. I
am simply a citizen of Iron County who
appreciates the beauty of the area, and
all of the wonderful people who make
this a special place to live. I have no
political agenda. My point was, I spent
half an hour browsing this blog and
found not one positive thing said about
this community. In that half an hour, I
read derogatory posts about the Judge,
the school system, the city manager, the
hospital, and the dog catcher to name a
small few. And yes even the way this
county celebrates Christmas! I can agree
that change is needed in our county as it
is everywhere, but a negative blog such
as this is in no way proactive towards
that goal.


Mike Sheehy's answer follows:


Is there some manner in which to tell someone
you're unhappy with some of the shenanigans
they're pulling, notwithstanding that they are
illegal, patronage or cronyism, and stay
positive? If there is I have yet to hear it,
because if no one can locate anything they do
not like then there's nothing wrong and it will
certainly NEVER get corrected.

(I also take umbrage with your nothing positive.
I believe I was when I said the "powers that be"
are excellent at keeping out business and

It is too bad also, that in those "derogatory
posts" I noticed they missed a few. Without a
political agenda I suppose it would be like
looking thru rose colored glasses, but the
stagnancy that would bring would only make
things worse.

If those that want this type life are content,
more power to them. But if things don't change
around here to provide work for our children
those "contented gomers" will be caring for
themselves in late years. Everyone else will
have left to find employment.

Mike Sheehy


And the beat goes on.

Bill Vajk

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