Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Comment Response - Page 2

Here's the comment in question repeated:
Just curious Bill,

If you are so unhappy with Iron County and it's
"Doings". Why do you choose to live in this
community? Your negativity tarnishes the joy
that those of us who appreciate Iron County

Remember the old adage, "If you have nothing
nice to say..... If you are not part of the solution
you are part of the problem.

I'll be looking for my opinion to be added to
your blog.


An answer from Mike Sheehy, published with

I have no idea what "Iron County Feel" is, but I
know that the county administration is as
anti work/jobs as any I've come up against. I'm
wondering if the writer knows the difference
between progress and stagnancy.

It sounds like one of the "quaint old burg" group
as her penning supports. To keep in her good
stead however I would say that the "County
administration is doing an EXCELLENT job;
they've kept industry and jobs completely at
bay around here." Nicey feely enough ?

Mike Sheehy


Bill Vajk

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