Friday, May 21, 2010

The Local News (again)

If we had a comprehensive and active local
news media in place, doing what they are
supposed to be doing, this publication would
not be necessary. What follows is an example
of the shortfalls.

On May 11, 2010, Iron River Township had two
meetings. The first one had a tremendous
attendance (for this township) of an estimated
100 people. It was the planning and zoning board
meeting attended by citizens who were apparently
as mad as hornets whose nest had been disturbed.
The discussion was about the proposed Blight
Ordinance that was proposed to the township
board by planning and zoning. The people who
were present had all seen copies of the proposed
ordinance. We published it and you can read a
copy by clicking here.

The news media, although the Iron County Reporter
had been tipped about the earlier meeting, didn't
show up till the 6PM Township Board meeting.

The WIKB report restated the things, the smooth
over of the events that had happened earlier, as
told in the Township Board Meeting by trustee
Ken Piwarski, Planning chair Bob Battye, and
attorney Steve Polich. The core test of the
WIKB report that was delivered on air on
May 17th is published here.

The Iron County Reporter dated May 12th reported
on the township meeting of April 13th, a month
after the meeting. We expect that sometime next
month they might get around to the reporting the
whitewash from May.

In the meanwhile we recommend that you read the
radio station's report and compare it to the
transmittal letter of 3/22/2010 from Bob Battye
to the Iron River Township Board and decide for
yourself the veracity of statements made to the
local news media by Piwarski, Battye, and Polich.

"The Planning Committee has reviewed and approved
the above two subject items for review and approval
by the Township Board. We would like to get a
written response to these documents and hopefully
get these approved and in place as soon as possible."

A careful reading of Polich's comments shows there's
something along the lines of concealment of the facts
in his comments. His comments appear to indicate
that he had reviewed the proposed ordinances, and had
rejected them.

I have asked several people who were present at both
meetings to write detailed reports about them but
nothing has been forthcoming. For the moment what
is before you for consideration is all that exists.

If you were there and are willing to write up what
you heard, please feel free to send it to me. I'll
publish it using your name if you'll give permission
but no anonymously submitted reports will be
considered for publication here under any

Additional commentary in the WIKB report has to do
with the "sewer availability fees" that are already
being billed to some township land owners, even
where the land is vacant. The WIKB report mentions
that the revised water ordinance is supposed to cover
the issues. But the plain fact is that the charge is
already being imposed before any ordinance is in

This issue is far from being resolved.

It seems that the township has surplus funds in the
treasury at this time. We wonder why Iron River
Township doesn't simply absorb the shortfall
occasioned by lousy contract negotiations on the
part of the township officials and the township
attorney at the time the contract was accepted
and executed.

Bill Vajk

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