Monday, March 15, 2010

Regressive Eastern Block Mentality in Washington

I published this a few days ago at
It needs to be considered a local issue as well.


How would you like to put down a 50% deposit for a new
car that the manufacturer promises to deliver to you in
3 years, then pay the balance at delivery? That's the
way business was done in the Eastern Block from 1950
through 1990.

Obamacare is a lot like that too. The administration
expects us to embrace a pay now and maybe take
delivery later scheme just like they used to do with
cars in the eastern block under the soviet system.

It is interesting to me that our government has taken
a page out of the soviet play book and wants to impose
it here in the USA. As I've written elsewhere, if you
want to understand Washington today, you have only to
look at European Communist political antics of the
20th century. It seems to me it is coming here because
the average US citizen has a poor understanding about
how government is supposed to work, and our modern
day communists and socialists have usurped the formerly
positive word "progress" that they misuse in the name
of their political movement that they call "progressive."

It isn't progressive at all, the real name should now be
regressive because they're attempting to resurrect
failed political imperatives. One definition states that
insanity is doing the same thing over again while
expecting a different outcome. That's been attributed
to Einstein, though whoever said it first was right.

Please don't get me wrong. I favor having the government
empowered to establish a fair and reasonable framework
of regulation within which business, inventiveness, and
entrepreneurship can flourish, but Obamacare has no place
in that scheme and must be rejected out of hand.

Please give this some thought. If we can only get 7 years
of coverage for 10 years of premiums then what of the
second 10 years? What gets cut then? Obamacare is a
downward spiral into an economic hell designed to
economically destroy the USA. Couple that with the cap
and trade that Obama and his regressives want to
impose and the overall scheme becomes a lot more

Bill Vajk

Posted By Bill Vajk to World Discussion at 3/13/2010 09:08:00 AM

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