Monday, September 15, 2008

honest participation -- rodeo wrap up?

Right on cue, Wendy Otto-Shimun came through with
what she claims is the final episode to this saga.
We'll see where she rears her head again. This was
posted on WLUC's we page under letters to the
editor. My reply, submitted on 9/15, follows.


Title: Obviously you cant get through to some people.

Posted by Wendy Otto-Shimun, Iron River - Sunday,
September 14, 2008 at 1:54 p.m.

This will be the last time I will be dignifying your
letters with a response, as I have more important
things to do than argue my point with someone like you.

It just so happens that I work for WIKB. Since the
day I started, I have covered the rodeo board
meetings and have written news stories regarding
what occurred at those meetings and they have been
aired on the news. I would also like to point out
that the dates and times of rodeo board meetings
have been listed, along with every other meeting
in the county, in the Reporter's schedule of
meetings. They have also been mentioned at the
end of every news story I have written on the
rodeo, along with the comment that the public
is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Once again your information is incorrect.
But I am not surprised.

I realize that you must have nothing better to
do than spread falsehoods about what is going
on within the rodeo board, but I do, and will
not reply to any further comments from you,
no matter how ignorant.


Once again I am indebted to Wendy Otto-Shimun
for her honest participation. It is only through
this exchange that anyone with the intellect to
use a computer and read this web page has been
able to see through her dog and pony show.

I would hate to think that her comments here
are representative of the sort of mindset of
the people who currently sit on the Rodeo Board.

The above is the activism and opinion of Bill Vajk


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