Thursday, June 27, 2013

Taxpayer's Association

I received the following email today and spoke with Al Gregg
about publishing his sentiments. The Taxpayer's Association is
an entity that should be more active than it has been in recent
years. I hope someone will volunteer to take it over.


Mr. Vajk, 
Many years ago I pointed out to townships, citys, 
and county boards  that this area was going down the 
The behavior of certain people was the reason.
The very first things I noticed was the deterioration 
of the entire area. Roads, Houses, Business's, 
Employment, Schools, Taxes, The cost of all local 
I was not alone in these beliefs. 
I jumped at the chance to help organize "The Iron 
County Taxpayers Assoc". I had a great opportunity 
to meet many people that also believed many things 
were wrong with Iron County. 
After many years of meetings,one day I looked 
around and found myself alone. Through the years 
I had found many direct confrontations,and many 
personal threats. Being from the South Side Of 
Chicago, none of this mattered to me.
There were some success's that helped our 
Community. But many efforts were also losses,
because of the disinterest of the People.
Your last posting mentioned holding a meeting.
I am still in possession of all the paper work 
and finances of the Taxpayers Assoc, which 
is registered at the Iron County Courthouse.
I would very much LIKE a Concerned Citizen 
from Iron County, to takeover this Association.
I would be willing to help with the startup all 
I can. 
If in your travels thru Iron County, you meet 
someone that would be interested, please let 
me know.

Thanks for your time,
    Al Gregg

Please contact Mr. Gregg or this publication if you are interested
in improving the situations in Iron County.

Bill Vajk

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