Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No Reappointments

                                                                          Ben Smith
                                                                          Iron River  MI  49935
                                                                          May25, 2012
SpeakOut Editor
C/0 Daily News
215 Ludingfon
P.O. Box 460
Iron Mountain MI 499801

To the Speak Out Editor:

Please find enclosed evidence that the NERD is now a
politician first class. (Editor’s note: Governor Snyder has
dubbed himself “ one tough nerd”.)

The following documents 'were obtained directly from a
recipient and may be used by your dept. any way suitable to show
the desire of the Authors of the instructions contained in them.


Ben Smith

(The following document contains the new requirement,
"current state appointees will not be eligible for reappointment
in 2012.")

Department of Human Services


Field Operations Administration
Tel: 517 373 3570 Fax: 241 7526

To: County Directors                           Date:  May 15, 2012
From: Terrence M. Beurer, Director
Field Operations Administration.

Subject:  DHD Board Appointment Procedures

The terms for the current state appointees for all Department
of Human Services (DHS) County Boards expire on October
30, 2012. In anticipation of the vacancies we are seeking
qualified candidates who share the Governor's vision and goals.
The process for filling vacancies is slightly different than in 2009.

• In some counties potential appointees have been identified,
  therefore these counties will not receive the application and
  will not need to seek potential appointees.

• Also current state appointees will not be eligible for
  reappointment in 2012.

For filling me October 2012 vacancies, the following timeline
will be utilized:

1. Applications will be provided to me counties electronically,
so that the applications can be printed for hard copies or emailed
to requestors. All applications will be due to the DHS Director
office on July 20.2012.

2. By June 5, 2012, a letter will be sent to state legislators or
other government officials notifying them that the DHS Board
applications will be available at the local DHS office and asking
the legislators to direct any individual that wishes to apply for
a DHS board to obtain an application by contacting the local DHS

3. DHS Communications will develop advertising materials to
notify interested persons that applications are available from their
local DHS office and to submit their application to the DHS
Director's Office, 235 S. Grand Ave. Suite 1514, P.O. Box 30037,
Lansing MI, 48909, no later than July 20,2012.

4. DHS Directors are also encouraged to advise individuals who
are interested in the DHS Board position and who share the
Governor's values and visions to request an application from the
local DHS office.

5. Once applications are received, a three person selection team
will screen the applications and interview the nominees to
determine interest and capacity for the DHS Board member role.
The top candidate and an alternate for each county will be
selected and provided to the Director for final selection.

 6. Once the appointment has been made, the appointee will
receive an appointment letter from Director Conigan. The
Selection Team will then generate a notification to the applicants
who were not selected. A copy of those communications will be
forwarded to the County Director.

7. Because County Commissioners are also providing funding for
the State Appointees, county directors are asked to share a copy
of the appointment letter with their commissioners.

Editor's Note: IronCountyDoings recognized the issue at the core
of Ben Smith's comment to be a partisan one. Former appointees
were named by  Democratic governor. The decision to deny
reappointment has been made by a Republican state administration.

IronCountyDoings is a non-partisan publication, but news must be
reported whether the content is partisan or not, and it is on that basis
we bring the facts reported above to the attention of our readers and
we encourage open discussion about the topic. We provide no
commentary about the facts.

Bill Vajk

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