Monday, March 2, 2009

Help Get That Rumor Started! (modified Mar 3, 2009)

A funny thing happened the other day. I heard a rumor about
myself. "Bill Vajk is out to destroy Iron River," it said. I
confess to a few things I do want to destroy.

A good starting point is to destroy a city government
mentality that has city crews out mowing grass they decide
is "unsightly" instead of concerning themselves with child safety.
Why aren't the sidewalks up and down US2 from the Middle
School cleared of snow? Will it take a child slipping down
one of the snowbanks and being killed or maimed before
city government decides to prioritize child safety?

I also want to destroy the mindset that has the city charging
10% late charge, compounding to 314% per year, to the
poor soul that loses his job and suddenly can't pay his
monthly water/trash bill. And when someone doesn't pay
it because they're suddenly out of work, not only does the
city shut off your water, but they keep charging $25 a
month for water you're not using, right along with the
mounting late fees. It doesn't take long for the city to
totally wreck a homeowner's finances, and for what? To
make sure they have the money to mow your grass if
it gets a little high while not 50 feet away the weeds
grow 6 feet tall on city property?

Yes, I confess to having some amount of desire for
destruction in my heart, probably the very same things
you want to see destroyed, while keeping the good
things we have. The trouble is that if my concern about
these things spilled over and people started voicing their
concerns in City Council meetings, the next rumor would
be, "Bill Vajk is inciting a riot."

Please, please, help get that rumor started!

The above was submited to the Iron County Reporter
and the Iron Mountain Daily News newspapers. On
Saturday, February 27, 2008, the Daily News published
my letter with a minor omission. The cut out the part about
6 foot weeds growing withn 50 feet on City property.
We'll know tomorrow how the Iron County Reporter felt
about it the letter.
Bill Vajk
Modification - March 3, 2009
Not too long after I arrived in Iron River I had a
discussion with Allyce Westphal, now the editor
of the Iron County Reporter. She told me she's
always looking for a well written piece.
While the Iron Mountain Daily News published
the above as an opinion letter, it was decided
"not fit to print" by the Iron County Reporter.
Well that came as no surprise. The Reporter
seems to be just as sensitive about criticism
of local governments as the elected officials
who are misbhaving.
The press needs to be independent to be
effective as one prong in the balance of
power between the people and the
government. Instead, it seems to me that
the local paper merely wants to be
profitable. That's par for the course in
Iron County, Michigan.
Bill Vajk


Anonymous said...

Would you please just move back to where you came from? You can't stand not being the big fish in the little pond, so why don't just head back to the big pond.

Bill Vajk said...

Dear Anonymous:

Please feel free to use your name next time. Part of the fun of living in a little pond is knowing the sources of sentiments like yours.

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