Friday, February 13, 2009

What's the point of being a silent victim?

Ben Smith proposed the following idea to the two Iron County
Michigan Yahoo sponsored discussion groups. I think it a good
idea as well. - Bill Vajk

Many if not most of you spend time, wallowing
in concern? about the state of the USA.

What can you do about it?

Send a contribution to some professional Baiter?

Call a number that never connects you directly
to your representative ?

Sit back and wring your hands ?

Whereas ! !

Here at home you can look your elected officials in the eye.
Of course in return they will cross their arms and roll their
eyes ! But you do have the opportunity to organize people
that support your position.

Shall we begin with the formation of

" The Iron County Open Government Group"

If any of you think it's a worthwhile effort, let me know and
we'll schedule a meeting.

Ben Smith

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