Thursday, December 4, 2008


Moving from the Chicago area to Iron County Michigan
was very much like moving from the United States of
America to some other nation where the government
mostly does as they wish regardless of what the
law has to say about their activities.

Every time I look at why something in the county
is dysfunctional I find I have to take another
step backwards and understand that the most
elementary political necessities aren't in place!

When I moved into the subdivision I lived in
back in Illinois, within a few weeks we were
approached, in person, by the township supervisor
who always carried with her some blank voter
registration cards. I filled mine out at home
and advised her that my wife was in the local
hospital recovering from a really bad allergic
reaction to pears from a tree in the back yard
of our new home. The supervisor went from my
home straight to the hospital and signed up my
wife Gloria.

Now I realize that the model I am discussing
doesn't exist in very many places, but the fact
is that it does exist. I lived in a community
that wanted full participation by all the
citizens in government, and worked hard to
get, and keep, people involved. Once they
got started, it was a very easy thing
to keep doing!

I moved my home from Illinois to Iron County
in the 4th quarter of 2003. In the time
between then and now all I've ever really
heard about is the Democratic Party, with
an occasional reference to the Libertarians,
and now and again someone running for local
office on a Republican ticket.

The entire basis of our democratic form of
government depends on the simple fact that
there are opposing political parties with
people from each running for public office.
It seems to work well in the rest of the
US however there is nothing like that here
in Iron County.

The only way to assure honesty in local
government is to have people not only
watching over our elected officials, but
also challenging them at every election.
Iron County seems to have what was for
years called the "Let George do it!"
attitude. That's what happened with the
rodeo, and seems to rule how folks in the
county deal with almost everything in the
county. Throw money at any problem and make
it go away.

The only problem with that is that where
it comes to the insidious sorts of corruption
we're experiencing here in Iron County,
throwing money at it doesn't provide any
solution, ever. In fact throwing money at
that sort of problem only makes things
worse. It makes local politicos even more

If you are a Republican or a Libertarian
who is not satisfied with the way things
are in the county, please contact me at and tell me that you'd
like to participate in making the kinds
of change that make life better for all
of us. I'll make certain your voices are
heard and that the now dormant political
parties are energized and that they take
a hand in the future of our county. Give
me a contact name and address and I'll
bring attention of our plight at the state
and national levels of the respective parties.

Apathy is your worse enemy, and mine.

Posted by Bill Vajk

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