Friday, September 14, 2018

Letter to Senator Booker

8 September 2018
Senator Cory Booker
359 Dirksen Office Building
Washington  DC  20510

Dear Senator Booker:

    I have no idea what you and the other senators
on the Judiciary Committee think you are achieving
with hearings and the questioning of potential
federal Judges and Justices.   

    Last year President Trump nominated
Joan L. Larsen for a seat on the 6th Circuit Court
of Appeals, Your committee approved the
nomination, and the entire United States Senate
voted to confirm her and she was sworn in and
took a seat on that court. During this entire process,
beginning to end, Larsen was a defendant before that
same court.

    If we have a balanced government, that is, the
promised checks and balances actually work, how
could an event that compromised the integrity, and
the neutrality, of that court, have been allowed to
happen with the complicity of your committee?

   The pledge of allegiance promises
“…with liberty and justice for all.” Where was the
justice in my case when a defendant is seated on
the very court reviewing the case in which a
defendant becomes a judge on that court?

   As I was preparing the next appeal to the
Supreme Court I sent Senator Grassley a Freedom
of Information request for documents showing
whether Joan Larsen had disclosed her defendant
status to the committee. Are you surprised to hear
that my request was completely ignored? The
6th circuit docket number was 17-1509 and the
SCOTUS docket was 17-1416. I am not your
average sore loser.

The legal battle is over, the political one barely

    Furthermore are you surprised to hear that
the Supreme Court said, “ho hum, we don’t care
that your constitutional rights were violated by
the judges below.” Why are they there then? 

I knew my chances of  success were small, but
I never thought that the entire judicial system in
the US was, to use a Donald Trump favoritism,
completely rigged. 

I grew up in New Jersey and am writing to you
despite the fact I presently live in Michigan
because you appear to have a reasonable head
on your shoulders, something apparently in short
supply in Washington. 


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