Sunday, March 4, 2018

What Will History Say?

What I am reporting here is only part of the
story, a story that keeps getting worse the
deeper I dig into it. So let's start with the
initial submittal I made to the US Supreme
Court, a submittal that is being reworked
into the odd format that they demand. But you
can read the entire text at:

It is a good jumping off point. The underlying
case has to do with charging for a produce we
do not receive, water. The state courts get
around it with an unconstitutional court rule
that I challenged in federal court, and at every
turn the "swamp" that President Trump
promised to drain only got bigger, and at one
stage even Trump himself helped make that
swamp bigger.

Enjoy a good read, it really isn't full of
esoteric stuff, just plain old fashioned wisdom.
The facts presented are quite bad, but what
more damage the court system is willing to
do to this nation remains to be seen. There
will be more on this and associated topics
coming to this site quite soon, so please keep
an open eye for the rest of the story, some of
which has already developed.

The above is the opinion of the author, Bill Vajk

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