Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thuggery in Iron County politics?

Associate editor Ben Smith attended the Oct 9, 2012 meeting
of the Iron County Board of Commissioners. He filed the
following report that should be of concern to all residents:

At the Oct 9. 2012 Iron County Board Meeting an incident 
occurred that should be extremely offensive to the residents 
of Iron County.

Lisa Masnova, Assistant to the County Administrator, stood 
up and said that she had applied for a position on the UP 
State Fair Board and that someone had come over to her house 
and told her that if she didn’t remove her name from 
contention that “under the new board her job would be in 

First. Congratulations Lisa for standing up to the bully. For 
that’s what he is. I hope everyone learns a lesson here and 
does the same. Second, I don’t know who this individual is, 
although a name was mentioned, but if he has this much 
influence with certain members of the County Board that 
he can threaten her job, we all better take a very close 
look at these Board Members and the way they vote on 
issues. Something doesn’t smell right.

Ben Smith

Editor's note: Ben's report couldn't be better stated.

 In other news, Dr. Yarger, selected Chris Sholander as 
Deputy and Chris Sholander will be attending the 
"Medical Examiner's" Class November 9-ll 2012 in 
Lansing, Michigan.

While we appreciate that  Dr Yarger is a busy man, this
is another of those "smells funny" episodes here in Iron
County. Sholander's career has been with the Michigan 
State Police. The office of "coroner" in Michigan was
abolished by the legislature and the current requirements
for a "medical examiner" are that the office must be filled 
by a physician, which Sholander is not. In addition, the
statutes also state that, " Deputy county medical examiners 
shall be physicians licensed to practice within this state."
MCL 52.201a(1)

Furthermore, in a county with a total population smaller
than 13,000, it hardly seems reasonable that a deputy
medical examiner is necessary.

Ordinary logic, and state statute, prohibit Sholander from
holding the position of Deputy Medical Examiner and 
Mr. Sholander should, by action of the county board, be
advised that he is not sanctioned by Iron County for that
post, or to take the course in Lansing mentioned above.

Bill Vajk

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