Friday, September 14, 2012

Iron River City Is Insane

Today, September 14, was property tax day for summer taxes
here in Michigan. I paid mine and then drove down the
alleyway behind 413 Plum Street in Iron River to find an
exact repeat of the situation I wrote about here a while back.

The pavement has deteriorated. Instead of repaving, as would
be a permanent repair, Iron River City filled in the washouts
with gravel.

And of course this past summer it washed out once again.

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over 
again and expecting different results. On this basis one can 
properly understand that Iron River City is insane.

This isn't the only section of pavement washed out, but it 
is representative. Through the trees you can see that the 
gravel that washed away is in the back yard of  a house
on a lawn that the city requires be mowed to suit their 
ideas. But the city doesn't see any need to maintain 
public property in a safely usable way for the public,
so the insanity grows as we understand that the public
must obey ordinances, but the city has no responsibility
to maintain infrastructure the public has paid for dearly.

This is a simple form of corruption, where tax monies are
spent not on what the public needs, but rather on things
the city council, and the DDA, take a personal interest in.

I'm happy to pay justly due taxes. I'm not at all satisfied
with the way Iron River City spends that tax money. I'm
looking at and discussing one bit of infrastructure because
it adjoins my property in Iron River. Doubtless there are
hundreds of similar places where infrastructure is regularly
permitted to deteriorate by a city council that refuses to see
past their personal interests.

Bill Vajk

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