The comment that's bringing replies:
Just curious Bill,
If you are so unhappy with Iron County and it's
"Doings". Why do you choose to live in this
community? Your negativity tarnishes the joy
that those of us who appreciate Iron County
Remember the old adage, "If you have nothing
nice to say..... If you are not part of the solution
you are part of the problem.
I'll be looking for my opinion to be added to
your blog.
Submitted for publication by Mare Peterson:
Isn't it wonderful that anyone in this country
can speak out--even if one chooses to speak
out against someone else for speaking out?
I think that taking the risk of speaking out
with an opinion is an act more people should
entertain if for nothing more than to clarify
their own positions on various issues. If
silence is part of the problem, couldn't noise
be part of the solution?
My thanks to Bill Vajk and you other vigilant
vocal people who are willing to say something
besides, "Sh-h-h. Be quiet. I don't like you
or what you are saying."
s- Mare Peterson
There's another chapter to this discussion that's
been kicked off by the original commenter. But
we'll wait with that till this chapter is complete. I
still have my response to provide before we move
along and there's no telling what else will come
arrive in the meantime.
Bill Vajk
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