Thursday, May 13, 2010

Straight Talk 2 by John Menghini: the Sewer Situation

Straight Talk 2 by John Menghini: the Sewer Situation.

A few weeks ago I was made aware of a situation in
the township that needs some attention. It seems that
our board snuck a so called "resolution" through that
allows the township to charge for sewer usage for people
who are not even hooked up to the sewer system.

To give a little history lesson, back around 1990 or so,
it was decided that a low security prison was to be
built in the township, on Gendron Road. The plans
called for a self contained septic system to be installed
for the prison. For some strange reason, AFTER
construction had begun, it was found that a septic
system could not be used there. And so it was that the
township ended up with a new sewer line going down
Gibbs City Rd and to the prison. When it was installed,
the story was that anyone over 200' from the line did
not have to hook up. If you were within 200' you were
required to connect to it.

Now, with the prison closed down, and the state no
longer paying for the sewer usage, the board decides
that the residents should take up the slack. Residents
who own even VACANT land are being charged an
"availability fee".

In "straight talk" that means that since the prison closed
down, the residents are being squeezed for the money
that the state no longer pays. I contacted the township
supervisor, Mark Polley, and he told me outright that
the township is after money. He also said that he knows
it is not fair to everyone.

I have researched this matter quite a bit and I firmly
believe that it is illegal. At least as far as those who
are over 200' away from the line. The State of Michigan
defines sewer availability as being within 200' from the
closest part of a structure in which sewage originates.
This is STATE law. How can the township charge a
person for the availability of something that the state
says is not available?

In "straight talk" they can't ! Not legally anyway. Mark
told me that the township attorney says it is legal. I
disagree. The state Attorney General is looking into the
matter at my request.

At the township meeting last night there were a few points
made that I would like to comment on.

The township says they need to charge residents who are not
hooked up to the sewer service, an availability charge. Because
the township needs the money. Why then, are they at this very
time, installing even MORE sewer and water lines. They (WE)
have to borrow money to do this. Borrowed money has to be
repaid. That means more charges. The water rate has been rising
steadily and is slated for two more increases this year alone.

So, let's recap this. The township is low on money, so, let's take
out some loans and put in more lines. Then we can raise the
sewer/water rates some more to pay for it. Hmmmmm........
Does that make sense to you?

Mark Polley said that he contacted state representative Mike
Lahti's office about this sewer matter. Uh, sorry Mark. It wasn't
quite like that. In fact, it was I who brought the matter to their
attention and it was THEY who contacted Mark. And I have
email proof of that.

Mark Polley also asked advice from township attorney Steven
Polich concerning supposed death threats to himself and other
board members. I do not advocate violence at all, but maybe
the board members should give that some thought. If they are
doing such a bad job that someone wants to KILL them,
maybe they should re-think their policies?

It has become quite apparent that this board has violated the
trust of the residents, in more than one instance. Now, it seems
to me that since these folks are ELECTED to the board that they
should look after the best interests of the residents. It surely
seems that they are not doing as good a job as they should,
especially since they are now receiving death threats.

Remember this folks.
We live in the United States of America.
Not Nazi Germany.
Not communist China.
Not dictatorship North Korea.

Our government is formed

BY the people
OF the people,

and most importantly

FOR the people.

We made our voices heard on the bogus blight ordinance
proposal, now we have to make our voice be heard on this
sewer matter.

s- John Menghini

Editor's note: We have no way of knowing how much of this
expansion of sewer charges is caused by the fact that the
township has become accustomed to the additional income
from the state prison, and how much of it is the result
of lousy deal making by the township with the state when
the contract to provide service was made. There have to
be better solutions than the one imposed by the board.

One thing is for certain, the township board does not
know how to spend less. In this time of economic stress,
and a time when those of us on Social Security have a
year with no cost of living increase because the cost
of living did not increase, the township board has
voted itself an increase in pay, despite the fact that
it isn't costing them more today than it did last year.

Aren't there any reasonable people living in Iron River
Township who would be willing to run for office and
stop these unreasonable actions by the existing elected
officials? If no one else is willing to step up, they
can continue to do whatever they want.

Bill Vajk

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