issue, it is also going to have very strong effects
Propaganda has been running some of what passes
as news in the USA for a while. The case that brought
this debacle to my attention again has to do with global
warming. There was a small article on the first page of
the Iron Mountain Daily News of Tuesday, May 25, 2010
that was headlined, "Scientists urge coal, oil use penalties."
It was an Associated Press (AP) article.
A quick look on the internet at AP and "global warming"
brings up tons of references to the contents of the
article with varying lengths. They all refer to a
statement issued by the National Academy of Sciences
where that group has crossed over from scientific
findings into giving political advice.
So the first thing I did was to search out who funds the
National Academy. You guessed it, of course it is funded
by the US Government.
The second thing was to look at who the members are. That
is discoverable at click here.
If you take a look at the credentials of the folks there,
all working on the various projects for free, but also
for the prestige that comes with being appointed to the
academy, we find virtually no one who is associated with
climate studies in the real, non-political, world. In
fact a review of the people demonstrates that most of
them have advanced degrees in everything but climate
related studies.
In short, we have an organization that gives the pretense
of being composed of brilliant folks who are in effect
nothing more than a rubber stamp for whatever the executive
branch of the federal government decides they must tell
you, the public, in order to add apparent credibility to
whatever the president is pushing this term.
Think about it a little. Legitimate science has never
had anything at all to say about penalties. Science is
the study of nature, pure and simple. The Obama
administration has destroyed whatever credibility the
National Academies have had in the past. And there are
other National Academies besides the one on science. It
is not a legitimate function of the Academy of Science
to decide what possible political solutions may be,
only to give opinions on what science determines cause
and effect to be after qualifying the results by
providing a legitimate double blind study.
In the case of climate, we don't know what causes the
climate to behave as it does, and as it has, even before
humans were on the scene possibly causing some of
the changes. But we don't know with any certainty. The
erratic long term history of climate, facts we have
discerned by studying ice samples from the polar
regions, has been subject to extreme changes long
before man was on earth.
The realities of factors other than fuel consumption do
not play well where the "cap N tax" bunch is concerned.
Yes, the CO2 levels are rising at a rate not seen in the
last 650,000 years. But then the rate of deforestation
has taken off too.
It seems to me that before our government proclaims by
fiat that humanity is to blame for rising temperatures, a
real study that clearly demonstrates cause and effect
should be funded and undertaken. The problem with
that is, of course, that the agenda of the "cap N tax"
bunch might take more time, and the underlying
reasons for what amounts to an effective government
takeover of energy, and consequently the entire world
economy, might be thwarted.
So the government, wishing to fool as much of the public
as possible into believing an urgent need to pay more to
our government for energy, spreads propaganda in every
conceivable way in order to support their agenda. Here's
the sad fact. The administration doesn't want to save the
planet. The administration is seeking unbridled political
power. And it looks like we're well on out way to handing
it over to them.
As I've said before, if you want to understand what's going
on in Washington, you have only to look at the political
antics of the European communists during the last century.
Those who keep saying that it can't happen here are going
to wake up one day with the realization that yes, dangit,
it can.
Bill Vajk