Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anyone Else?

I received this email from the Emily
Salvette at the Libertarian Party:

Ms. Emily Salvette:

My name is Mitch Foster and I, along
with others are in the process of
trying to create a Northern Michigan
University chapter of the College
Libertarians that would also be open
to local community members to participate
in. Is there any way that you could send
me information about local Libertarians
so that I may contact them? Also, if you
could help us in our process that would
be wonderful!

Thank You

Mitch Foster


Shall we start our own here in Iron County? I've
mailed the prior articles posted here to Iron
County's P. Ashcraft, county chair of the
Republican Party, and received exactly what I
expected, nothing!

Bill Vajk

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