Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rule of Men v. Rule of Law

Today is the anniversary of D Day, of 1944 when the
Allies stormed on to the Normandy beaches starting
the major offensive that ended World War II.

I was a child of 4 at the time. We didn't hear about
it because the Germans had forced the surrender of
all radio equipment capable of picking up allied
broadcasts. The Germans maintained complete control
over what news the people living under their rule
could receive. But the events of that day reshaped
the future, all our futures.

When the World War II ended, my mother did the
paperwork and got us, her three children, transported
to the USA by military transport. First to Paris
aboard a military version of the DC3 airplane, and
subsequently to New York abord the M.S. Gripsholm on
her final journey as a confiscated (from the Swedish-
American lines) troop carrier and a war bride transport
after the war.

With the outbreak of war in Europe in September of 1939,
a mere 3 months before I was born, such rule of law as
existed instantly converted to the rule of men for the
duration of the war, and for much of Europe, for a
period totaling 50 years under various regimes controlling
the different regions.

It was this rule of men that my mother escaped fairly
quickly, though my father, who was not yet an American
citizen, followed as soon as he was able to acquire
sufficient funds to bribe the Russian officer charged
with determining who could leave the country, and who
could not.

If the rule of men had not existed, he never could have
escaped what ensued. But then, if it hadn't been a rule
of men, none of us would have needed to escape in the
first place.

When my dad arrived many months after we did, he was
fortunate enough to be well educated and have saleable
skills that resulted in him picking up right where he
left off, in the petroleum business as an exploration
geophysicist for EXXON (in those days, ESSO.)

So we escaped the rule of men by coming to the USA where
the rule of law guides our lives.

Or does it?

It seems to me that the rule of law is in control of most
of the United States of America.

However I have become aware that once I moved into Iron
County Michigan, the rule of men that I had escaped in
1945 by moving to the USA, has found me again. And just
as my parents found it intolerable in 1945, I now find
it intolerable inside the USA, specifically in Iron County,
in 2009.

Beginning some time next week I will have a new web page
dedicated to discussing how the rule of men stands in
opposition to the rule of law here in Iron County, Michigan,
as a prelude to building the legal complaints that will
be brought against various government entities in Iron
County before the federal courts since it is impossible
to achieve rule of law court verdicts in the present
circumstances in Iron County, Michigan.

Before I undertook my FOIA lawsuit against John Archocosky
in Michigan's 41st Judicial Circuit I provided ample warning to
Archocosky and the city mayor Zanon. They ignored my
warnings just as Judge C. Joseph Schwedler in Iron County
has chosen to do. I also advised Mike Cox, the Michigan
Attorney General, Judge Celello of Iron Mountain, Governor
Jennifer Grandholm (Michigan) as well as the Michigan
Supreme Court. Nobody is paying attention.

For their part, the Supreme Court has removed some of the
evidence against them from the internet, a document called
"ADM File No. 2007-01" but no matter, others besides
myself have seen it before it was removed and copies are

So this is a combined disclosure about my past as well
as a promise of some of what the future holds for
those personally invested in imposing the rule of
men on this community, and on me.

Bill Vajk

1 comment:

Bill Vajk said... has the
file that was deleted by the
Michigan Supreme Court. It is a
.pdf file. The pertinent information
begins on page 12.

Bill Vajk

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