Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An Open Letter to John Faccin:

You are about to run headfirst into the Michigan
constitution's Headlee amendment with your latest
proposal which will have the effect of ingratiating
yourself to the Iron County Board.

From Iron County Reporter 21 October 2008:

"Faccin thought the boat wash and road improvements
would have to be bid out. The boat launch entrance
would be moved from County Road 424 into Pentoga
Park, so boaters have to pay a fee to get onto
the lake."

This is clearly a money raising scheme, in short,
a tax on lake use.

I urge you to educate yourself before making any
further such suggestions by reading:


There is a plethora of online material about the
Headlee Amendment. Please avail yourself of it.

It is clear that the scheme is designed to collect
a fee in order to raise money for the use of a
lake that presently acquires no income for the
county. That clearly violates the Headlee
Amendment and I will fight this. You're effectively
driving boaters away from Iron County.

Before you even think about mentioning Eurasian
watermilfoil control you might want to determine
some way of controlling the use of our lakes by
water fowl and curtailing bald eagle fishing.
Obviously those are impossible tasks.

The above is the opinion and activism of
Bill Vajk

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