The present case before the courts began as an
outgrowth of the City of Iron River charging for
water, sewer, and garbage collection, when the
water was shut off by the city. The state court
system has a "rule" that permits dismissal of
any such case brought without a legitimate
judgment, and they did just that. So I brought a
case in the federal courts challenging the
constitutionality of the rule and kept getting a
massive run-around in the federal courts, eventually
landing before the US Supreme Court in the
docketed case 17-1416 with the current status of the
case t be found on the internet at
The documents were distributed to the justices and
their law clerks yesterday with a conference scheduled
to decide how to proceed on June 7th.
My petition is readable by anyone without charge
and I urge everyone to avail themselves of that
service provided by the court. I urge attention to
the introduction and the questions presented to the
court on the first few pages.
I think it an interesting case, and it will be even more
interesting to see how the Supreme Court deals with it.
Please bear in mind I am not a lawyer so my presentation
lacks the smoothness of similar documents submitted by
high priced professional lawyers. Nevertheless, the
challenge is to rule on some of the most elementary
principles that determine how the courts deal with
complaints brought.
Bill Vajk