Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Merging Chamber of Commerce with Economic Development Corporation

The Iron County Economic Development
Corporation is the creation and the responsibility
of the County Board. The only reason the board
has failed to significantly improve our economic
conditions is because historically the board
members have been more interested in keeping
the county a private playground for the upper
class rather than fostering economic growth
to benefit everyone.

The solution, if the board were really interested,
is as simple as hiring a competent outside
economic developer with a track record and
giving that person free rein.

The entire ploy of merging the EDC and the
Chamber of Commerce that is comprised of
business owners solely interested in the
success of the business they own can only
lead to yet another failure.

There is probably no one in the Chamber of
Commerce who has the time or the ability to
bring significant business to Iron County.
The only advantage to merging the Chamber
with the EDC is simply to create a new excuse
for the County Board’s failure to economically
advance the County. This new excuse will
doubtless hold us back for another few decades
while maintaining the private playground.

Please tell your County Board representative
(you voted them in so you should know who
they are) that you want real progress, not the
political games that have kept us economically
depressed ever since the mines closed. Telling
them emphatically what you want is important!

Wouldn’t it be nice to have your children and
grandchildren be able to move back home
because there finally are good jobs for them

Bill Vajk

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Rapid Fallout from Is America a Lie - Page 1

OK, is this predictable or what? Looks like the
IRS has opened an investigation of yours truly.
All that's available as income for the past
decade is Social Security and pensions and we
take the standard deduction every year, so
there's *nothing* of interest there. Here's the
entry for the page view today by the IRS.

Page Views 1 Exit Time: 27 Sep 2016 13:51:06
Browser: IE 11.0 OS: Win7 Resolution: 1536x960

Total Visits: 1 Location: Washington, District
of Columbia, United States
IP Address: Internal Revenue Service

Label Visitor

Search Referral:
(Keywords Unavailable)

Visit Page: Iron County Doings: Iron River
sued in Federal Court


They were looking up what I wrote about
a federal lawsuit that is several years old. To
me this demonstrates just how desperate the
folks involved in demonstrated corruption at
my federal district court and the defendants,
the justices of the Michigan Supreme Court,
in the underlying case must be. As I wrote
earlier, this nixonian coverup is far worse
than the underlying misbehavior. How much
more evidence of their misdeeds and a
coverup are they going to provide?

Thank you!

The above is the opinion of the
author Bill Vajk

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Is America A Lie? -page 1

It isn't enough that Michigan Courts are corrupt,
it turns out that the federal district court is
engaged in a Nixonian coverup that is, as in the
original version, worse than the crime itself. If
we don't have an honest and honorable
independent federal judiciary, then America
itself is a lie and we're no better than any of the
third world despotic dictatorships. Given
corruption in any act of the court, can we trust
that the rest of the system is actually honest?
The "once a liar always a liar" principle applies,
doesn't it

Letter to US Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts
and links to other documents follow below:

William J. Vajk
Iron River  MI  49935
                                                22 September 2016

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
1 First Street N.E.
Washington  D.C.  20543

Dear Chief Justice:

This is a courtesy notification that
appearances are that all is not well in the
District Court Northern Division, Western
District of Michigan. This is not a
complaint about a judge, but what appears
to be corruption devised to prevent a case in
which the defendants are the Justices of
Michigan’s Supreme Court from achieving

To demonstrate the problem, I have
included a copy of the three page docket
for case# 2:16-cv-129 and the first page
of the most recent motion filed with the

Please take notice that:

1) The Court reframed the case into a
grotesque charicature only superficially
resembling the case actually submitted.
Please see included page of the motion.

2) Prior to the assignment of a new judge
replacing one who retired, the Clerk’s Office
without justifiable reason and unauthorized
by any party to the case or a Judge of Record
renamed the motion to vacate judgment under
FRCivP 60(b)(4) converting it to a
“MOTION for reconsideration.” This illegally
changes the rules under which the motion is
adjudicated. Please see attached Docket items
6, 7, and 9.

3) The motion and supporting papers were
filed on 19 July 2016 with no activity by the
District Court since then, introducing, to date,
an illegal delay of more than 2 months.

4) To all appearances at this time the case is
purposely stalled by actions of the Clerk of the
District Court.

As noted in the opening paragraph of this letter,
this is a courtesy notification and does not request
anything from this Court at this time. The only
purpose of this letter is advisory. I will be writing
to the Chief Judge of the District Court as well
as Judge Quist suspecting that Judge Quist was
not properly advised of his assignment to this case
as it appears to me, because of the events in 1
through 4 above, that the Clerk’s office has
illegally engaged in a political action in lockstep
with Michigan officials. I strongly feel that if the
appearance of any corruption has crept into the
lower court system, the US Supreme Court and
its Chief Justice should be the first to know.


For the attachments to the above letter please see:

The above is the opinion of Bill Vajk

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