Sunday, March 9, 2014

Community Conversation 2014

Editor's note: I can't help but think that the people who attend functions like this one are the ones who have it in their power to help advance this community and get Iron County out of the economic depression we've been experiencing for decades. Two things happen: First nobody is willing to ask them to assume leadership roles and secondly no one is willing to apply the pressure necessary to get such an initiative going. In the end it doesn't matter what these folks think so long as they're not willing to do anything about anything/ 

Bill Vajk


Please join us for a Community Conversation to help set the agenda for Michigan in 2014, sponsored by The Center for Michigan.

WHERE: West Iron District Library
WHEN: Monday, March 24, 2014-4PM
RSVP: Sara Basso at 906-250-0416 or

Community meetings just like this are happening all over Michigan. Make sure your voice is heard.

For more information, call 734-769-4625, or visit
Community Conversations are presented by The Center for Michigan, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, non-partisan organization working throughout the state to amplify the voices of ordinary citizens and find common ground solutions for a more prosperous future. Please visit for more information.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

What It Looks Like

This is what the bill for not using water, with the valve
shut off at the curbstop, looks like. This edition arrived
in today's mail.

The famous case Bolt v. Lansing says that no one can
be compelled to take water. I'm pretty sure that the
Court also meant that no one can be billed for water
they cannot be compelled to take! Otherwise their
statement would be nonsensical, and I'm certain that
the Michigan Supreme Court never publishes any
nonsensical decisions.

So the nonsense must come from the City of Iron River.

Anyway, the lawsuit should, if nothing else, prove

Bill Vajk

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