Friday, July 27, 2012

Invisible Universe Lecture Reviewed

On Thursday, July 24, 2012, the Iron County
Museum in cooperation with the Caspian DDA
hosted a presentation about the invisible universe
featuring Dr. Albert Holm, former resident and
retired staff member on the Hubble Space
Telescope. Dr. Holm is an astronomer.

The event was well attended and the presentation
started off well with slides of interesting visible
features in the universe. But the lecture began to
run into trouble as soon as the discussion turned
to the first of the invisible features, “black holes”.
It began with Dr. Holm attributing the prediction
of black holes to Einstein’s theory of relativity
when, in fact, the earliest recorded prediction of a
dark star was made by John Mitchell in a 1784
letter to Henry Cavendish of science fame.
Mitchell was a cosmologist who turned some of
his initiatives to earth science, a branch of
cosmology that later became the specialties today
known as geology and geophysics, the realm my
father made his life’s work because of his keen
interest in gravity. Mitchell, too, discussed his
interest in the topic and did some interesting work
in the geophysics of the British Isles.

By 1796, LaPlace, a mathematician and astronomer,
wrote a book that included a speculative discussion
about high gravity objects that trap light, including
some of the features of what we today call a black

So by the time Einstein came along with his works,
the concept that led to black hole theory already had a
long history. Major advances in this subject came about
when Roger Penrose took an interest in the possibilities
and arrived in Princeton (NJ) to collaborate with John
Wheeler on the topic of “singularities”. I had the good
fortune to spend an evening with Penrose in 1964,
which event triggered my ongoing work on an, as
yet, unfinished paper on this topic. Wheeler was the
one who came up with the name “black hole” that is
in common usage today.

Dr. Holm’s second insult to the topic came about
when he proposed that a star “…grazes the surface
of a black hole…” A black hole has no surface. That’s
one of the salient features of the “structure” which, as
we see it today, is a gravitational anomaly created by
a huge collapsed star and fed afterwards by whatever

material gets close enough to be eaten by the black
hole. Once material goes into a black hole, it is gone
forever as far as we know.

The lecture was well intentioned. It appears that the
excellent attendance was a result of Dr. Holm’s
popularity based on past lectures he has delivered
locally. Iron County Doings wishes him, and the
museum, well while hopeful that in future presentations
he will stick to topics that he can deliver with reasonable
accuracy[1]. I attended the event with a hope to hear
about advances in black hole theory, and I left shortly
after I discovered that the lecturer was out of his depth
on the topic of my interest.

Bill Vajk

[1] It is noteworthy that "The Science Channel" has
several excellent presentations on the topic of Dr. Holm's
lecture discussed above in the series called "How
The Universe Works." Iron County Doings commends
that series to all readers with any interest whatever in the
topics covered in this article. The science channel series
is available on DVD through and other
vendors. Further highly recommended popular science
genre presentations are available with Morgan Freeman
as host.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

August 2012 - County of Iron meeting schedule

The Iron County Board of  Commissioners will be
holding their Finance Committee meetings every
Thursday at 1:00p.m. They will be held in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, Annex Addition,
Iron County Courthouse, Crystal Falls, Michigan.
Carl Lind, Finance Chair

The Iron County Courthouse Picnic will be held on
August 14, at noon, on the Courthouse lawn.
Joan Luhtanen, County Clerk

The lron County Board of Commissioners will be
holding their bimonthly Regular Meeting on Tuesday,
August 14, 2012,at l:30 p.m. in the Commissioners
Meeting Room, Annex Addition, Iron County
Courthouse Crystal Falls, Michigan
Wayne Wales, Chairman

The Iron County Board of Commissioners will be
holding their bimonthly Regular Meeting on Tuesday,
August 28, 2012, at  1:30 p.m. in the Commissioners
Meeting Room, Annex Addition, Iron County
Courthouse, Crystal Falls, Michigan.
Wayne Wales, Chairman

The Iron County Courthouse will be closed on
Monday,September 3 ,2012, for the LaborDay
Wayne Wales, Chairman

Copies to :
Iron County Board of Commissioners
Iron County Press
All Department Heads
Bulletin Board


Bill Vajk

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 24, 2012 County Board Agenda

IN 2016

TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2012  1:00 P.M.
TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2012



MEETINGS OF: June 26th and July 10th
June 19th, 20th, 21st, 28th and July 5th, 12th

(3 minutes each/20 minutes maximum)

REPORTS:  County Administrator
                      Equalization Director
                      Cooperative Extension
                      Register of Deeds
                      Animal Control
                      Prosecuting Attorney
1.   Approval of Finance Committee’s 07/05/12
Review of Bills $     89,814.21   (Lind)   

2.   Approval of Finance Committee’s 0712/12
Review of Bills $ 1,972,033.19   (Lind)

3.   Consider Approval of Chicagon Lake Concession’s
Three (3) Year Contract for Pentoga Park Concession

4.    Consider and Discuss An Increase of Monies
Given by the County of Iron to the Northwoods
Animal Shelter

5.     Discussion on the Recreational Trail

6.     Consider and Make Decision on Plat Book Photo Cover


1.    Presentation on the New NorthStar Ambulance
Garage (Tousignant)

2.     Consider and Take Action on the Administration Fee
Disbursement to the Four (4) Senior Centers (Same Formula
as Last Year)



Our Courthouse Picnic is Scheduled for Tuesday,
August 14th at Noon on the Courthouse Grounds.

The Next Board of Commissioners Meetings will be
held on August 14th and August 28rd at 1:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners Room, Courthouse Annex, Crystal
Falls, Michigan.



Informational Letters and Reports:                   
1.    Construction Code Report - June 2012
2.    Northpointe Minutes - June 2012

3.    Authority on Aging - June 2012

4,    Iron County Fair Association - June 2012

5.    Airport Committee Minutes - June 2012

6.     Iron County Conservation District - June 2012


Bill Vajk

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Another Otiose Municipal Ordinance

First we discuss the proceedings that led to the
enactment of the Iron River ordinance prohibiting
the feeding of certain wild animals in the city of
Iron River. They're "strange" to say the least. The
second set of problems lies in the premises the
ordinance states in order to justify itself. Not one
single premise is proven in any acceptable fashion.
Even more, several are unabashed lies where the
situation in Iron River is concerned.

And we ask why the ordinance stopped short of
banning the sale of products, within the city
limits, that have a solitary use that is banned by the
ordinance. The question is, naturally, rhetorical,
because such an ordinance would never withstand
scrutiny by the purveyors of those products who also
have tremendous local political clout. As a matter of
fact, Iron County Doings believes they are unaware
of this enactment and the ordinance may yet be
repealed once they take notice and express their 
commercial interest in it.The ordinance, as enacted,
is bound to reduce sales of some products by vendors
doing business in the City of Iron River.

We begin with March 21 where one individujal
decided the city should enact the ordinance. Iron
County Doings asks how he was representing the
interests of the community as opposed to some sort
of personal individual initiative.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 2 PM Minutes

"Deer Management: Mayor Tarsi wants an Ordinance
preventing the feeding of white tail deer in the City. A
sample ordinance was passed out for their review, and
will be discussed at the Workshop on April 3rd."

No minutes for an April 3, 2012 workshop are
available online at the time of publication of this
article. However, on April 18, a meeting was held to
accept public comment on the proposed ordinance.

Animal Feeding Ordinance
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 1:45 P.M. Minutes
Mayor Terry Tarsi opened the Public Hearing at
1:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Iron River
City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call: Alfred Perlongo, Ray Coates, Edward
Marcell, and Tarsi. Absent: Thomas King.

"Also present: Manager John Archocosky, Attorney
Mark Tousignant and Clerk Kathy Anderson. Public
in attendance: Jere Fritsche, Craig Richardson, Bernie
Sacheck, Bob Kostka, Char Soderbloom, Rosalie King,
and Reporters Marian Volek (WIKB/IC Reporter),
and Ben Smith (Iron County Doings).

comment on a proposed Ordinance that prohibits the
feeding of certain animals, birds and waterfowl within
the City of Iron River. This Ordinance was introduced
on April 3, 2012, and will prohibit the feeding of the
following animals in the Iron River City limits: deer,
moose, bear, coyote, fox, wolf, raccoon, ducks, geese,
swans, seagulls, crows, turkeys and pigeons. Bob
Kostka asked how this will prevent deer from eating
from bird feeders, bushes, flowers and vegetation in
yards. Tarsi noted this is a first step towards keeping
hem out of town. The Code Enforcement Officer may
be directed by the Manager or Chief of Police to
enforce the ordinance. There being no further comment,
Coates moved to close the Public Hearing at 1:59 p.m.
Marcell seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried."

Partial trascript from:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 2 PM Minutes


Adopt Ordinance Prohibiting the Feeding of Certain
Animals: Marcell moved to adopt as written, the
Ordinance published in the April 18, 2012, edition
of the Iron County Reporter. The Ordinance will
be published again and go into effect 30 days after
publication. Coates seconded. All in favor; motion

With some convincing by Mayor Tarsi, the
ordinance, published in full below, is now in effect.
Wherever you read, "it has been determined" there
is no reference available as to who the mystical
figures that made the determinations were. It
certainly was not Iron River's city council!  A review
of  the information made available to city council
members was limited to ordinances enacted by
several other communities in Michigan's upper
peninsula, at least one of which had clearly relied
on another by copying the entire ordinance from its

Reading the ordinance for content, we find that if
a person has a domesticated raccoon, they're
required to either take it outside of the city limits
to feed it, or starve it to death! The same is true
for racing pigeons. As your humble correspondent
has written before, if you're going to copy someone
else's work, city council, try to copy from an A
student instead of a failing one as you have done.

Recognizing some of the problems with this
ordinance, I wrote a FOIA to the health department
asking about any reports of contaminated drinking
water or private property because the ordinance
states that those are results arising from the feeding
of the listed wild animals. The Health Department has
no such reports. Deep wells, such as Iron River uses,
cannot be contaminated by the listed animals. The
reason for including the statements, unabashed lies,
in the ordinance, is to bring the act within the
acceptable "police powers" granted to cities to
protect the public health and welfare. The city
council is clearly willing to lie in order to achieve
its goals that have nothing to do with public health
and welfare. We'll probably never find out why
Mayor Tarsi railroaded the city council into
enacting this mess that is legally an enforceable

The text of the ordinance, as published in the Iron
County Reporter, follows:

Ordinance No. __-2012 to the City of Iron River
Code of Ordinances, prohibiting the feeding of
certain animals, birds and waterfowl with the City
of Iron River, was adopted by the City Council for
City of Iron River at its regular meeting held on
April 18,2012


The following words, terms and phrases, when used
in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them
in this section, except where the context clearly indicates
a different meaning:

1.1    “Certain animals, birds and waterfowl” means
deer, moose, bear, coyote, fox wolf, raccoon, ducks,
geese, swans, seagulls, crows, turkeys and pigeons
which reside or otherwise spend time in this area on
either a temporary or permanent basis, both wild,
domestic, or held in captivity.

1.2    “Deer” means any ruminant animal of the family
of Cervidae having deciduous antlers, usually in the male

1.3    “Feed or feeding” means:

A.    The intentionally act of furnishing of, or otherwise
making available, any human food, pet food, hay, forage
product or supplement, or other substance which is likely
to be consumed by certain animals, birds and waterfowl;

B.    To give or supply food to and/or providing items of
nourishment which are likely to attract certain animals,
birds and waterfowl.

1.4    “Natural unintentional feeding” means food or
other substances consumed by certain animals, birds
and waterfowl produced by, or existing in nature; not
items that are artificial or brought to or transferred to
a particular place from another location.


It is the purpose of this article to prevent such
conduct that may attract and concentrate certain
animals, birds and waterfowl within the city limits
of the city as it has been determined that the
presence of certain animals, birds and waterfowl
especially in large numbers, poses a public health
nuisance by contaminating drinking water supplies,
beaches, swimming facilities and the private property
of residents of the city. It has also been determined
that the congregation of certain animals, birds and
waterfowl create a hazard to motorists.


A. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly
or intentionally keep, maintain or cause to be fed or
provide or make available food or other substance
for the consumption by certain animals, birds and
waterfowl as described by this article within the
city, either on private property or on public property,
excepting that feeding activity further described in
subsection C of this section.

B.      No person shall create or foster any condition,
or allow any condition to exist, or continue, which
results in a congregation, congestion or other grouping
of certain animals, birds and waterfowl as described by
this article.

C.    This section shall not apply to feeding activities
supervised and conducted by the city in conjunction
with its city parks, or by the city in the conduct of
management practices for the control of certain
animals, birds and waterfowl as defined by this
article. This section shall not apply to a person
engaged in the feeding of songbirds so long as the
food and manner of feeding is not attracting certain
animals, birds, waterfowl as described in this article.
This section shall not apply to natural conditions
which result in unintentional feeding such as the
cultivation of a lawn, garden or landscaping, nor
shall it apply to natural, unintentional feeding as
described in this article.


A.      Any person violating any provision of this
article shall be responsible for a municipal civil
infraction. The penalty for the first offense shall be
$50.00 and for the first repeat offense $150.00.
Repeat offense shall be determined as defined in
section 31.02 of the Iron River Code of Ordinances.
For any second or subsequent repeat offense, the
fine shall be no more than $500.00.

B.      It shall be the duty of the chief of police of
the city or his authorized representative to enforce
the provisions of this article.

C.    If, after investigation, the chief of police of
his authorized representative determines that a
violation of this article exists, he shall be authorized
to issued a municipal civil infraction notice and/or a
municipal civil infraction citation to any person that
is responsible for violating the provisions of this
article. Service of said civil infraction citation or
civil infraction notice shall be made in accordance
with section 31.04 of the Iron River Code of
Ordinances. Permitting a violation of this article on
private premises is hereby declared to constitute a
nuisance per se. Upon application to any court of
competent jurisdiction, the court may order the
nuisance abated and/or the violation restrained and
enjoined. The enforcement of this article by
abatement of any nuisance by the enforcing officer
or by application to any court of competent
jurisdiction for abatement by judicial decree or
writ shall not preclude enforcement of this article
by the issuance of a municipal civil infraction and
the imposition of fine and costs herein provided.

This Ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days
after publication.  R184/25


Bill Vajk

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Patti Peretto threw her hat into the political arena
recently, announcing her run for a seat on the
County Board. We memorialized the event in an
article about machine politics, "One machine
candidate as announced that 'I don’t care for
the direction the county is headed in.'"

IronCountyDoings stands against machine politics
regardless of party, so we're non-partisan in all
regards. The distribution of machine politics has
run the gamut crossing all party lines around the

So here's Ms. Peretto's ad in this week's edition
of the Iron County Reporter:

What's wrong with this picture? Let's take it line
by line.

"10 years experience, served as chair and finance

And still the county is economically distressed
with a continuing population decline.

"6 years Department of Human Services Board."

Yet today insufficient use is being made of the senior
centers. Indeed, more decline.

"Team Player"               


The elective position for which Ms. Perretto is running
is to represent the people of her district! This isn't a
team sport! In fact, she's supposed to place the concerns
of the voters in her district above those of other areas
of the county, especially where they conflict.

What does "team player" really mean in the context of
an individual running for office? It means she's willing
to trade the interests of the people who elected her in
exchange for something that benefits others. "What
others?" is heard from the galleries observing this
event. The answer is plain enough, those she's announced
she's already on a team with, the local political machine
that looks after its own at the expense of the electorate
and the taxpayers.

She goes on to say, "I believe we all have to work
together to make our county a great place to live and
work." Well, Ms. Perretto, in the 10 years you served
during your last stint on the county board, what did
you achieve? I don't count grants from state or federal
sources as amounting to anything worthwhile.  I don't
count patronage jobs that you've had a hand in over
the years. I don't count the grooming of your successors
who have presently failed the machine politics cause.

"Your support will be greatly appreciated."

Really? How did you demonstrate that appreciation after
former elections? What did you achieve, Ms. Peretto, in
appreciation of being elected? The voters should be asking
themselves, "Was I any better off at the end of Patti's last
turn at the helm than I was before?"

The answer is obvious.

Machine politics places the politician's wishes above the
needs and wants of the taxpayer. The vast majority of us
living in Iron County don't want that.

Please remember all this at the ballot box. And remember
that not voting is a vote favoring the political machine that's
out to benefit itself at your expense.

This article is the opinion of its author.

Bill Vajk

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Recent Arrivals

I recently purchased and received three volumes of
Corpus Juris Secundum: Complete Restatement Of 
The Entire American Law As Developed By All 
Reported Cases (1936-current.) These volumes
deal with Municipal Government and provide very
helpful legal insights with an eye to resolving the
issues your humble correspondent has been experiencing
with the City of Iron River for the past several years.

These volumes, along with other legal library texts
are available for review and loan to others involved
in action involving local governments within easy
driving distance of Iron River.

When I lived in Illinois I attended the law library at
the Skokie Courthouse which was very well stocked
and includeed the entire CJS set along with other
series that complimented these texts, so I have a
working familiarity with the books I purchased. I
suppose such convenience is part of the cost of living
in this rural environment.

Living here has many advantages that offset most of
the inconveniences. I do wish that many of our local
officials were better educated, it would make
dealing with basic issues much easier for everyone.

Bill Vajk

Iron County Schedule - July 2012

The Courthouse Complex will be closed on Wednesday-
July 4, 2012, in observance of the Holiday.
Wayne Wales Chairman

The Iron County Board of Commissioners will be
holding their Finance Committee meetings every
Thursday at 1:00 p.m. They will be held in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, Annex Addition.
Iron County Courthouse, Crystal Falls, Michigan.
Carl Lind Finance Chair

The Iron County Board of Commissioners will be
holding their bimonthly Regular Meeting on Tuesday.
July 10, 2012. at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioners
Meeting Room, Annex Addition, Iron County
Courthouse, Crystal Falls, Michigan.
Wayne Wales Chairman

The Iron County Board of Commissioners will be
holding a special meeting as a Committee of the
Whole (Policies & Procedures) on Thursday, July 12,
2012, at 12:00 p.m.
Wayne Wales Chairman

The Iron County Board of Commissioners will be holding
a Special Meeting on Monday. July 16, 2012, at 4:30 p.m.
at Camp Batawagama in Crystal Falls, Michigan, to
review and discuss issues relating to Camp Batawagama
and to tour the facility.
Wayne Wales Chairman

The Iron County Board of Commissioners will be holding
a Public Hearing for the purpose of Combining the Offices
of the Register of Deeds and Clerk in the Year 2016, prior
to the Board of Commissioners bimonthly Regular Meeting
on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioners
Meeting Room. Annex Addition, Iron County Courthouse,
Crystal Falls, Michigan.
Wayne Wales Chairman

Copies: Iron Co. Board of Commissioners, Iron Co. Press.
All Dept. Heads, Bulletin Board

Published as received this date - Bill Vajk

Monday, July 2, 2012

Machine Politics Runs Iron County, Michigan

I spent about three decades living in the suburban
Chicago region. In the beginning I was thoroughly
astonished that in 1974 no one could buy fresh
meat at the local supermarket in the evening. The
meat cutters union had a rule that no meat cutter
worked past 5PM on weekdays, and they didn’t
work on the weekends either. The union contracts
required a union member to be on duty at the store
where fresh meat was sold in order to service the
customers. So if you worked a normal workweek,
you could never buy fresh meat in Chicago or the
collar counties surrounding that city.

The mayor of Chicago was a fellow named Richard
J. Daley, father of the mayor who more recently
retired in order to make room for Rahm Emanuel,
a machine politics guru who jumped out of his high
ranking White House job into the top political
(machine) job in Illinois, his home state, that being
the mayor of Chicago.

The elder Daley, late in his life and late in his multi-
decade career as mayor of Chicago, had a meeting
with the union heads, and quite suddenly the union
rules changed with fresh meat available in the
supermarkets just like the rest of the United States.
Wherever it exists, machine politics reaches, and
controls, every aspect of life! What legitimate
interest did the City of Chicago have in private
business dealings between the union and the regional
supermarkets? Sorry, that’s another of my rhetorical
questions, the answer being “none.” But it didn’t matter,
because Daley thus ingratiated himself to the public at
large. And that love of the man wasn’t limited to the
city alone, it affected everyone in the collar counties,
the bulk of the population of the entire state. Of course
restrictions on the sale of fresh meat should never have
been imposed in the first place, but that’s another story
in itself.

It was the same elder Daley who, without reservation,
told the press “I’m wearing mistletoe on my coattails”
when pressed for some information Daley was not
willing to give up. And surprisingly, to someone only
recently arrived to the region at the time, that resolved
the issue, effectively shutting down any possibility of
getting any answer at all to the question originally

Having lived in an overtly machine politics region,
that is a place where the machinations of machine
politics weren’t concealed, it became obvious, soon
after I moved here, that the same sort of control
system is at play in Iron County. The first signal I
saw that “the fix was in” happened at an Iron River
DDA meeting when Hovey company was in contention
for being named as the developer of the Central School.

The DDA chairman, Gibula, threw the discussion open
to decide among potential candidates. From the floor
came information that other experiences with had been
favorable. Without further discussion Gibula moved that
Hovey be accepted as the developer of the property, a
vote was rushed through, and the deal was done. But
Hovey’s trip to that Iron River meeting was partly
enabled by the dispatch of Julie Melchiori, then
EDC developer, to Kingsford airport, the facility to
which Hovey had flown his own aircraft from downstate.

Naturally none of the other contenders, if there even were
any, received such favorable attention.

It came as no surprise that Julie took the occasion to
promote a new Iron County airport, a facility that the
public had voted down with its feet, somewhat earlier.
Julie said the county airports were too small for a plane
like the one Hovey flies to land. Thus it has become clear
that a new Iron County Airport is part of the agenda that
the Iron County political machine is promoting on behalf
of one of the machine’s members, and that Julie Melchiori
is, in your humble correspondent’s opinion, one of the Iron
County political machine’s most willing operatives.

Once disclosed, the breadth of the operations of the Iron
County Political Machine becomes somewhat transparent,
with tendrils reaching everywhere. The problem is, of
course, that some good emanates. But the real problem is
that private initiatives, meaning resulting in private benefit
with no significant impact to the good of the general
population, is the strength of all machine politics. And
that’s always done at public expense.

Saving the “Middle School” to be put to “public use” was
one such project. Having personally toured the building, I
see nothing there worthy of continuing to maintain at
public expense. The building should have been torn down
when it became surplus to the needs of the school district. 
It isn’t as though we don’t already have plenty of viable
vacant commercial property in Iron County. So privately
owned commercial property remains vacant while the Middle
School is operated at a loss by a consortium of local
municipal governments at public expense, leading to a
further decline of commercial property in Iron County
because of private interests by the local political machine.
Please see our earlier article about parking regulations in
Iron River destroying the commercial viability of the upper
floors in Iron River’s commercial buildings.

That’s precisely the problem with machine politics. It
doesn’t allow for the political and economic freedoms that
our form of government promises, placing the political
machine’s interests ahead of public need. And it is far
worse when the machine operates in secret where the
general public cannot seem to get a handle on it. That’s
the case here in Iron County.

What we are now witnessing is the re-emergence of
stronger political operatives into the current election cycle
because partial control, at the county level, has been lost.
One machine candidate as announced that “I don’t care for
the direction the county is headed in.” Of course not. Tom
King got fired from his cushy dogcatcher job. Operative
Julie Melchiori has been more or less forced to seek
legitimate employment, although there is some doubt at
to her entrepreneurial skills. And there’s probably no
end to the political machine toes that have been stomped
upon by the reform government that managed to wrest
control at the county level. “Not ready from prime time”
Faccin was also forced out, but is now, once again, in
contention for an elective position.

Patronage hiring by government is always necessary to
maintain control by machine politics, and in counties such
as this, people sell out remarkably cheaply. But of course
taxes fund all our government functions rather thinly in the
first place, so rather than to hire a Tom King whose
functioning as a county employee is severely limited, it is
far better from the public’s perspective to spend just a little
bit more to hire and retain a fully qualified sheriff’s deputy
who is qualified to do more good when the chips are down.
But Tom is the son of a county board member who is also a
machine politics operative.

You may have noticed that I didn’t name, or locate, the
background organization that’s running Iron County through
a political machine. I’ve done this to entice the reader to think
about this problem, and to figure it out for themselves. On
that journey you may discover things I cannot put into print,
and we’ll all be ahead for your thought and concern. But
please think about the problems, and decide whether you’re
in favor of enriching the members of the political machine
at public expense whenever you’re in a voting booth this

Bill Vajk

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