and did well on the government audit deciding
whether or not it is in fiscal trouble. The score
of 0 we mentioned a few days ago has Iron River
politicos breaking their arms patting themselves
on the back.
But there's a downside. There almost always
is. Today I'll show an obvious one. Unfortunately
at the moment I don't have the time to do a
deeper investigation to find some of the other
pitfalls that are hovering just below the surface.
If you don't properly maintain your infrastructure
it hardly matters how much money you have in
the bank.
As a citizen, what would you rather have? Lousy
streets and buildings that are left wanting of
repairs for years on end and a nice bank balance,
or would you rather have a government always
on the edge of needing a bailout and good roads?
Here's a photo of the alley behind my property
at 413 Plum Street.
This alley was paved. Since 2005 it has
deteriorated and not been repaired, but
has been covered with gravel instead.
Because it is a hillside, as many streets
and alleys are in Iron River, graveling
over the paves street doesn't work very
well, and the City knows that, but this
is their idea of "good enough for the
residents." Is it good enough for you?
Washington Street on the hilltop is
actually one of the better paved streets
in Iron River, and they're going to tear
it all up to put a median in. Still there
are plenty of flaws, like this one at the
corner of Washington and Diamond, right
in the path of most traffic going around
that corner.
And speaking of Diamond, that street is riddled
with potholes over its entire length!
So these are where people live and drive. What
about the parts that the public who come on
vacation see?
The City of Iron River has a pumping station
next door to the Riverside Mall. The roof
has been in the state shown in the next
picture for years. Literally, for years!!!!
This is the face we show the world. But
you must feel good, because the City has
money in the bank!
Other people have pretty strong horror
stories abut the City, and most readers
will know several unique ones.
City "fathers", fix the city up, and don't
feel so good about having a strong reserve.
None of the other communities do, and all
that "fail" will be bailed out, so why in
the heck are you doing this? I wouldn't
want to guess. Your mission is to serve
the public. It is past time you start doing
Bill Vajk